7/23/11 Refugee Camp?
This one was an interesting dream. I cannot remember the full details because I'm writing this up at night instead of in the morning. However, I was in some sort of military base or refugee camp. It...
View Article7/25/11 Help accessing the dream world?
Now, I had this dream at 2 AM, so the recall was spotty even as I first woke up from it... Anyways, I remember talking with someone who is offering to help me out. Unfortunately I can't remember a...
View Article7/26/11 Instrumental mass and a Crazy car
Right, so this dream was pretty long and I don't remember a lot of it. But from what I do remember, I'm in church with a ton of family, and maybe some friends too, but I doubt that. We're a pretty...
View ArticleImpersonation, Violence and Succubi (4 dreams)
Four weird dreams from me this morning. The first one is fairly basic... I guess I managed to win a lot of money in the lottery. I had been second, instead of first, so I didn't win all the money that...
View ArticleDon't try to tell me I'm not dreaming!
This is my first good, long lucid dream in a while, and it was awesome! So, this is gonna be a long retelling. You've been warned. :P My dream recall picks up at my old high school. I am in the...
View Article6/22 Fragments: Fetish Thread and a strange game
I remember two dreams today... well, sort of. It's hard to distinguish these between dreams and just stuff I was thinking about in a half-awake state. But I'm assuming they're dreams. :P The first...
View ArticleSoul Nomad and Dreamview Moderation
Two dreams again today. And once again, the first dream blurs the lines between dream or memory. It involved playing Soul Nomad. I was messing around with formations, and my main character was...
View ArticleOne Jumbled Mess of a Dream
I've got a long, strange, jumbled dream to try to remember this morning. This will be messy, but here goes... The first part that comes to mind (I don't remember the order things happened in anymore)...
View ArticleRobin Hood and... Chipmunks?
Ok, so I've got a jumbled mess of dreams again. Hopefully, eventually, I can regain a more cohesive dream memory. In this first dream, there's this large, wide open field area that we're running...
View ArticleNegligent management, and people are in danger!
Okay, after a night of lost sleep my dreams definitely become more interesting. Of course, my recall isn't any better... I only remember this one dream. There's a building here that basically is an...
View ArticleSmall random fragments
Just a couple fragments today... I'm probably adjusting to my new mattress or something. The first fragment involved me in this jumbled-up area... I remember being outside as part of the fragment I...
View ArticleMore fragments
Oops. Should've posted this this morning for consistency. Oh well. More fragments of dreams today, I'm afraid. Hopefully my recall improves soon... The first fragment seems to involve a place that's...
View ArticleAgain with the fragments
I've got some confused, tangled fragments today... but it's far better than yesterday, where I had no recall at all! So without further ado: The first thing I recall is being back at home, again. I...
View ArticleThree Dreams
Okay, I really should have written these down fully this morning, instead of just brief notes. But at least I have something to go by, I suppose. Three dreams today, since I used a suggestion that I...
View ArticleTournaments... and pokemon?
Hm... I had a longer, peculiar dream this morning, but as usual I only remember parts of it... where do I start. Well, one part that I remember, it would seem I'm with someone... I think it's my...
View ArticleGames breaking
Okay, so I've had a couple interesting dreams since I've started work. My brain is too frazzled to remember which ones were on which days, so I'm lumping them together. All of the recent dreams that I...
View ArticleScrewed up revision of my life and memories
Wow... just... wow. Interesting, revisionistic view of my life, which is 100% not true. There's... according to this dream, there's a reason I'm single and asexual, and it claims I wasn't always that...
View ArticleShared Daydream Experiment
Don't mind this... this isn't really a dream at all. Just a silly attempt for the IOSDP lucid daydreaming experiment: http://www.dreamviews.com/f144/lucid...riment-135918/ All signs point to this...
View Article09/07/2010 I'd flood the world, for a good plank
09/07/2010I'd flood the world, for a good plank (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I've not been able to sleep well lately, being woken up with dreams in my head and all, so I guess it's time to start...
View Article09/08/2010 That's not how reincarnation works...
09/08/2010That's not how reincarnation works... (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID This dream is pretty fragmented, but from what I do remember, it takes place right before heading back to college, and...
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